API Audio 1608 Automation User Manual

Page 126

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This number will determine the number of channels to be controlled and displayed in

software pages and lists.

To set the number of installed channels, highlight the “Channels” pull-down menu. Press the

SEL (Select) button to activate the menu.

Use the Jog-Wheel to highlight the needed number of channels and press the SEL (Select)

button to select it.

To set the timecode source, highlight the “TC Source” pull-down menu and press the SEL

(Select) button to activate the menu.

Use the Jog-Wheel to highlight the needed timecode source and press the SEL (Select)

button to select it.

To configure the system for use, highlight “General

Config” in the System Menu and press the SEL (Select)


The General Config dialog box will open.

The General Config dialog box has four (4) pull-down
menus used to set the system parameters.

The general configuration parameters
include the following:

Channels: The number of 548B

channels to be supported by the
Automation Controller

TC Source: Selects SMPTE or MIDI


Freewheel: Number of frames for
timecode drop-out tolerance

Default TC: Default timecode frame

rate for new projects

The number of installed channels needs

to be specified in the system. This

number should match the number of
548B Input Modules and channel faders

installed in the console. Three (3) choices

are available:

16 channels

32 channels

48 channels

The timecode source can be set to one of

two (2) sources:

LTC: Longitudinal SMPTE timecode
(via SMPTE LTC analog line-level

XLR input)

MIDI TC: MIDI timecode (via the
MIDI 5 IN port)