Device / device options / serialization – Dataman 40Pro User Manual

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Power down time - determines time after switch off target system power supply within target
system keeps residual supply voltage (e.g. from charged capacitor). After this time elapsed
target system has to be without supply voltage and can be safely disconnected from

group Target system parameters

This group is available in ISP mode for some types of devices. It contains following settings:
Oscillator frequency (in Hz) - oscillator's frequency of device (in target system). Control
program sets programming speed by its, therefore is necessary set correct value.

Supply voltage (in mV) - supply voltage in target system. Control program checks or sets (it
depends on programmer type) entered supply voltage in target system before every action on

Disable test supply voltage - disables measure and checking supply voltage of
programmed device, set in Supply voltage edit box, before action with device.

Delay after reset active - this parameter determine delay after Reset signal active to start
action with device. This delay depends on values of used devices in reset circuit of device
and can be chosen from these values: 10ms, 50ms, 100ms, 500ms or 1s.

Inactive level of ISP signals - this parameter determine level of ISP signals after finishing
access to target device. Signals of ISP connector can be set to Pull-up (signals are tied
through 22k resistors to supply voltage) or Pull-down (signals are tied through 22k resistors to

Keep ISP signals at defined level after operation - enables keeping set level of ISP signals
after access to target device finished. Control program indicates activated pull-up/pull-down
resistors by displaying window with warning. After user close this window control program will
deactivate resistors.

group Programming parameters

This group is available for some types of devices. It contains settings of which device parts or
areas has to be programmed.

group Erase parameters

This group is available for some types of devices. It contains special settings of erase modes
of selected device.

Device / Device options / Serialization

Serialization is special mode of program. When a serialization mode is activated, a specified
value is automatically inserted on predefined address into buffer before programming each
device. When more devices are programmed one by one, the serial number value is changed
for each device automatically and inserted into buffer before programming device, so each
device has unique serial number.

This manual is related to the following products: