Nisus Writer Express User Manual

Page 58

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Writing and Editing

Figure 18

The “More” portion of the Languages Preferences


Select any language in the column of available languages to customize its behavior in Nisus
Writer Express.


From the Spelling pop-up menu choose the appropriate spelling checker dictionary.
You can choose from among any of the dictionaries you have in your System (Apple’s own
dictionary or those available via CocoAspell

cocoaspell> or Spell Catcher <> or, for Hebrew <http://>).


Check Count words in this language if you want Nisus Writer Express to count the words in
your document that are written in that language (displayed in the Statistics palette).


From the Thesaurus pop-up menu choose an appropriate thesaurus (if available).


Set the secondary font options.
The options here are many and varied. Your choice depends, in part, on the nature of the
languages you use.
Independent of what you choose here, if your second (third, or additional) language has
characters that do not appear in your primary language’s preferred font (almost any font other
than Lucida Grande if you use a language other than romanic languages), Nisus Writer Express
will switch to the secondary font to display those characters.

Do not change the font
If your second language uses the same characters as your primary language (the vast
majority of European (romanic) languages), you would have minimal reason to change the

Switch to last used font
If your second language has multiple fonts that can display its characters, you might want
Nisus Writer Express to use the font you had most recently used when you last entered text
in that language.

Switch to secondary font
Nisus Writer Express will use the designated secondary font whenever you choose that
particular language.