Remove a footnote or endnote, Change endnotes to footnotes or the reverse – Nisus Writer Express User Manual

Page 157

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Creating Documents

Book Tools


A wide variety of number formats are available.

Figure 124

The Number Format pop-up menu

the Number Restart: whether the Notes restart on each page, each section or are
continuously numbered;

the Doc Reference Style: the character style that is automatically applied to note
references when they appear in the main document;

the Note Reference Style: the character style that is automatically applied to note
references when they appear in the note area;

the Default Note Text: the text that every newly inserted note starts with (that which
separates the reference number and the text of the note);
You can enter a Tab by pressing

4 @. The “sample text” field at the top updates when you

move your insertion point out of the current field.

the Gutter Height: how tall the gutter between the main document and the note should be;

In addition you can control a variety of the attributes of the Divider line that separates the
notes from the text of the document. These include:

the lines available in the pop-up menu are those illustrated in Figure 59 on page 74;

the line’s thickness using the pop-up menu to the right of the line pop-up menu;
The display is dependent on the gutter height.

the color of the line(s) using the Color Picker which opens the Colors panel as illustrated in
Figure 86 on page 99;

where the divider line appears in relation to the gutter using the Align in Gutter pop-up
Your options are Top, Center or Bottom.

the Length of the line on the first page where the footnotes appear (the default is set to 25%
of the width);

the length of the lines where footnotes extend beyond one page using the Multi-page
text edit box (where the default is set to 75%);

Remove a footnote or endnote

Select the footnote or endnote reference marker (or put your insertion point after it) in the
document and press ⌫.

Change endnotes to footnotes or the reverse

You can change the location of any and/or all of your notes at any time.