Special positions set – Nisus Writer Express User Manual
Page 206

Proofing Documents
Any Private Use Area
Matches any single character in Unicode’s Private Use Area (PUA), which is
reserved for application/domain specific characters. Eg: these character codes are
not standardized and could be used for any purpose.
Special Positions Set
Use options from the Special Positions set to determine the location of the beginning or ending of
the Find expression.
Start of Word
Matches the start of any word.
The following expression would find any word that begins with a “g”:
End of Word
Matches the end of any word.
The following expression would find any word the ends with a “g”
Start of Paragraph
Matches the start of any paragraph, except when that paragraph is at the
beginning of a new section.
End of Paragraph
Matches the Return character ((i.e. Carriage Return) from Classic Mac
documents), Newline (Mac OS X/Unix) or carriage Return and Newline (Windows).
While technically the traditional term for this is End of Line, because it does not
select the Soft Return character Nisus Writer Express uses the layperson’s term.
End of Paragraph also matches the end of the document, even if it does not end
with a Return character.
Start of Sentence
Matches the start of any sentence.
End of Sentence
Matches the end of any sentence.
You can see how some of these Special Positions metacharacters function in Figure 168 below.
The expression finds all words that both begin and end with “g” and appear at the end of a
sentence (going, gag, gong and gang), while ignoring all other words that either begin with but
do not end with a “g” (got, garage and good), as well as all words that both begin and end with
“g” but do not appear at the end of a sentence (Greg, as well as other instances of gang, gong
and gag).