Set the starting point of the spelling checker – Nisus Writer Express User Manual
Page 191

Polishing & Managing Documents
You can change the color or the selection highlight in the Appearance pane of the Nisus Writer
Express preferences, as explained in “Set “defaults” for new files” on page 95.
Nisus Writer Express checks the words between the insertion point and the end of the document,
and then checking continues from the beginning of your document to the starting point. When the
whole document has been checked, the spelling checker beeps.
When Nisus Writer Express finds an unknown word it presents you with a list of correctly-spelled
suggestions. The spelling checker also flags words it does not recognize. It ignores lowercase letters
at the start of a sentence, and repeated words.
When the spelling checker finds a word not in the Apple system dictionary, it suggests alternatives
and allows you to correct it, ignore it, or learn the word.
Set the starting point of the spelling checker
Click at any point in your document.
Click Find Next in the Spelling window.
The Spelling window acts as a “floating” window. Even though it is visible above the document
window and you can click any of its buttons, if it is not active as illustrated in Figure 159 typing
enters text in the document window.
When the window is active one of its text windows has a highlighted edge as in Figure 160. In
this state typing enters text in the Spelling window.
Figure 159
The Spelling window when it is not active does not have a highlighted edge
Figure 160
The Spelling window when it is active has a highlighted edge (in this case beside the Correct button)