Tables, What is a table, Types of tables – Nisus Writer Express User Manual

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What is a table?

A table is a means of presenting a group of related data in a coherent, structured form. Tables are
used to

summarize large amounts of data

compare data for two or more cases

group complex data so that relationships are clear

convey statistics about the underlying data

list a full matrix of related data.

Tables have a wide variety of uses and, because of the divergent uses, they may take on many
different styles as well. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to organize and format a table.

Types of tables

The simplest possible table is one that has at least two entries (and usually has corresponding
headers that define the data within the table).

Table 4

A very simple table

Tables can grow as big as you’d like, although there is a practical limit to their size—usually what
will fit onto a single page. Huge tables that sprawl over several pages are extremely difficult to
understand at a glance, and the relationships between the data become less distinct when you
build, multi-page tables. Nevertheless, you will find that big tables are useful when your ultimate
goal is to compile an organized reference to a large, underlying database.

One important distinction to make in creating a table is whether or not the table is a summary of
information in an unseen database, or an exhaustive listing of the entire data in the database. The
former tends to result in small, concise tables that tell a story or highlight a particular point or
statistic. The latter are often long, multi-page tables that are only consulted as references. Nisus
Writer Express’s table capability can handle both.



