Nisus Writer Express User Manual
Page 161

Creating Documents
Book Tools
Figure 126
The Insert Table sheet
Choose New Table… from the Table menu.
Click to choose the type of table you want from the options at the top of the dialog:
no headers
row and column headers
column headers only
row headers only.
Type the number of columns you want, or, use the stepper to the right of the number of
Columns field to increase or decrease the number.
When you are satisfied with the number of columns you want press
@ or click in the number
of Rows field.
Type the number of rows you want, or, use the stepper to the right of the number of Rows field
to increase or decrease the number.
When you are satisfied with the number of columns and rows you want press
T or < or click
Insert to confirm your choice and display the table in the document.
Click the Insert Table button on the Toolbar.
Drag your mouse in the Style area to choose the type of table you want
no headers
row and column headers
column headers only
row headers only
Continue to drag your mouse in the Size area to increase or decrease the number of columns
and rows.
Your pointer (in a left to right environment) indicates the lowest right cell of the table.
When you are satisfied with the size (and shape) of the table, release your mouse button.