Find the next occurrence of the find expression, Limit the search, Enter something into the replace box – Nisus Writer Express User Manual

Page 195: Either find or find and replace text

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Polishing & Managing Documents


Enter something into the Replace box

Choose Show Find… from the Find submenu of the Edit menu press

@ and type the text you

want to replace.

Select the text you want to replace in your document, choose Copy to Replace from the Copy
submenu of the Edit menu.

Either find or find and replace text


Choose Show Find… from the Find submenu of the Edit menu.


Make sure Normal Find is the Search Type.


Enter what you want to find in the Find box.


Enter what you want as a replacement in the Replace box.


Click the appropriate button to start the procedure.

Click Next to find the next occurrence of the Find expression.
Nisus Writer Express selects the Find Expression in your document and scrolls to display it
in your window.

Click Previous to find the preceding occurrence of the Find Expression.
Nisus Writer Express selects the Find Expression in your document and scrolls to display it
in your window.

Click Replace & Find to replace the current selection with the Find expression and find the
next occurrence of the Find expression.
Nisus Writer Express selects the Find Expression in your document and scrolls to display it
in your window, as if you had clicked the two buttons Replace and then Next.

Click Replace to replace the selection in your document with what is in the Replace box.
Nisus Writer Express places the Replace Expression at the insertion point or replaces the
selection with the Replace Expression.

Click Replace All to find and replace all occurrences of the Find Expression with what
appears in the Replace box.
Nisus Writer Express replaces the Find Expression with the Replace Expression.

Click Find All to find all occurrences of the Find expression.
Nisus Writer Express finds and selects them all.

When Nisus Writer Express finds what you search for, it selects and highlights it with a particular
color that you can modify as explained in “Choose Various Display Options for Your Documents” on
page 225.


Click the Close button when you finish or just click back into your document and leave the
Find/Replace window open in the background to use later.

Find the next occurrence of the Find Expression

Nisus Writer Express enables you to find what you are looking for, whether or not the Find/Replace
window is open.

If the Find/Replace window is open, simply click the Next button (illustrated in Figure 161 on
page 174) to find the next occurrence.

If the Find/Replace window is closed choose Find Next from the Find submenu of the Edit

Limit the search

The Find/Replace window opens with Entire File as the setting, however, the check boxes and pop-
up menus in the Find/Replace window allow you to limit the search in a variety of ways.

Ignore Case

When checked, Nisus Writer Express finds both upper and lowercase occurrences
of the Find Expression.
When unchecked, Nisus Writer Express finds the exact match of upper and/or
lower case characters in the Find Expression.
Suppose you have the sentence
“I hope that the writer in you will blossom with Nisus Writer Express.”
With Ignore Case checked (turned on), Nisus Writer Express finds both upper and
lowercase occurrences of the Find Expression.
“I hope that the writer in you will blossom with Nisus Writer Express.”
With Ignore Case turned off and the word “writer” as a find expression, Nisus