Nisus Writer Express User Manual
Page 251

Customizing & Automating Solutions
Note references
any symbols that appear when you insert a footnote or an endnote in your document using
Footnote or Endnote from the Insert menu; this does not affect the corresponding
character in the notes area of your document
PowerFind Bubbles
any metacharacter symbols PowerFind displays using natural language words and phrases
in a “bubble” as explained in “PowerFind Terminology” on page 177.
Tables of content
any of the tables of contents you have inserted in the document using Insert TOC from the
Table of Contents submenu of the Insert menu.
Document Views
When in draft view you can change the background or for an even more dramatic effect in full
screen view you can make your screen look like a terminal of old (as illustrated in Figure 197
below); none of these have any effect on the file—they are strictly screen phenomena:
Draft background
the color of the background when in Draft View
Full screen background
the color of the background when in Full Screen view
Full screen caret (insertion point)
the color of the insertion point when in Full Screen view
Full Screen gutter
the color of the area around the text editing area set in the General preferences of Nisus
Writer Express as explained on page 96
Full screen text
the color of text when in Full Screen view
Figure 197
Full Screen view in a “retro” look
Page Backdrop
the color of the non-“paper” region when in Page view