Wild card set – Nisus Writer Express User Manual

Page 207

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Polishing & Managing Documents


Figure 168

Special Positions set of Find/Replace expressions illustrated

Wild Card Set

Include a wild card in your expression when you want to find one or more characters. For example,
use the wild card

To look for any number between 0 and 9. If you know you want to find 93, type 9 and 3 in the Find
box. If you just know that your document has a two digit number, but you don’t know what it is,



Any character except the Return character that defines the end of a paragraph


Any word


Any group of characters that ends in an “end of sentence” marker followed by a
space (tab, Return or the end of the file). If a space follows an abbreviation with a
period, Nisus Writer Express selects up to that period.


Any character that occurs one or more times (from the insertion point forward)
except the Return character that defines the end of a paragraph