Nisus Writer Express User Manual
Page 300

Subject Index
license, ii
line spacing, 69
lists, 49–53
commands explained, 31
in styles, 89
characters, 173
columns permitted, 109
keys permitted in menu
commands, 235
paragraphs, 173
section, 132
tabs permitted, 73
words, 173
display current and total, 124
displayed in the Page palette, 17
displayed on the Statusbar, 11
format of, 124
in document, 122
restart, 123
restart at 1, 123
pages, 122
all, 115
even, 118
in section, 122
multiple sections, 118
odd, 118
paragraph spacing, 70
printing copies, 214
printing page range, 214
sections, 122
size of text characters, 16, 79
sorting paragraphs beginning with,
aligning in tables, 146
columns of, 73
instructions in this document, i
ordinal, superscripted, 69
Ogham, 185
any file as new or Untitled, 224
automatically saved files, 56
Clipboards, 235
default file, 93
on Dock menu, 7
on Window menu, 213
existing file, 1–2
Font panel, 39
how files open, 224
in AppleScript, 252
macro file, 246
macro folder, 33
new file, 1
Nisus New File, 93
Nisus Writer Classic documents,
Nisus Writer Classic Glossary, 239
Open Recent menu, 96
palettes, 14
recent files, 96
reopen active files at quit, 95
template documents, 93
using Document Manager, 223
using LinkBack, 256
what happens on activation, 220
of page, 105
envelopes, 257
portrait view, 18
Oriya, 185
orphan, 17, 30, 71, 262
Page Borders
Page Borders palette
location of, 15
page break, 188, 198, 202–203, 205–
display, 225–226
finding, 185, 206
insert, 23
page count, 17
page, empty (what displays on), 118
pagination, 202
Apple-supplied Character, 271
Apple-supplied Character, 184, 271
Character, 15, 77–78, 85, 89, 230,
Columns, 109–110
create new set of, 240, 242
display, 14
display different set, 14–15
display in Draft View or Full Screen
view, 204
Header/Footer, 115–118, 121
hide, 14
Image, 126–127, 129
introduction to, 13–15
Language, 40–43, 167, 169
Lists, 48–52
Margins, 107
Page, 17
Palette Library, 242
Paragraph, 16, 43, 65–71, 76, 85
remove, 14
reposition, 14
restore, 14
Section, 108, 118, 123–124
Sections group, 107
Stats, 17
Styles, 81–83, 86, 89–91
Table, 144, 147–148, 155–156
Table Cells, 144–145, 148–149,
working with, 14
paper size, 103, 105–106, 257
alphabetizing, 208
automatically incrementing lists,
bulleted lists, 49–50
floating graphics move with, 126
formatting character, 225
how Nisus Writer Express displays
your text, 264
in AppleScript, 252
in Find/Replace, 174, 187–188
end of paragraph position, 186
neighboring duplicate, 189
start of paragraph position, 186,
195, 198
the Return character, 185
trailing spaces, 194
in macro instructions, 249
indent using the tools on the ruler,
invisible character, 225
mixing right to left and left to right
text, 41
number of in headers/footers, 173
number of on Stats palette, 14
Paragraph palette
alignment, 65
bidirectional text, 43
location of, 15
using, 16–17
press rtrn only to begin
paragraphs, 35
Ruler Tag on the Statusbar, 12
rulers govern the shape of, 11
sorting paragraphs, 208
structure paragraphs
same for multiple, 76
structuring paragraphs, 61
alignment, 65
in tables, 144
indents, 61
keep together, 71
keep with next, 71
line spacing, 69
paragraph spacing, 70
tabs, 72–73
leader, 73–74
moving, 75
removing, 76
text wrap, 63
using styles, 81–82
applying, 86
removes attributes, 86
remove attributes, 91
widow/orphan control, 71
styles, 81–82
determine style of next, 87
inherit attributes, 86
new, based on selection, 89
on Styles palette, 83
on the Statusbar, 11
remove attributes from text, 91,
select text with, 90
Style Sheet view, 84
triple-click mouse to select, 43
Pashtun, typing right to left text, 36,
paste, 46
attributes only, 46