Nisus Writer Express User Manual
Page 297

Empty Page, 118
endnote, 133. See also: footnote
change to footnote, 138
edit, 133
highlight color of, 231
in tables, 164
insert, 133
marker appearance, 133, 136
Notes Tag on Statusbar, 11
prevent lines from spreading when
using, 69
remove, 137
return to
document from, 133
note from its marker, 133
statistics (word, character) in, 17
style of, 83, 85
tables in, 164
format and print, 257–258
page setup paper sizes, 103
Ethiopic, 185
facing pages, 107, 118. See: margins
searching for text in, 185
find. See also: replace
Find/Replace, 174–191, 194–200
case sensitivity, 175
find all, 175
find what, 174
in tables, 164
invisibles in, 174
limit the search, 175
case sensitivity, 175, 180
here to end, 176
here to start, 176
in selection, 176
whole word, 176
next, 175
Normal Find, 174–176
PowerFind, 176–181
PowerFind Pro, 181
previous, 175
replace, 175
replace all, 175
replace and find, 175
replace with, 175
select using, 44
font, 2. See: font:substitution
adding to your System, 77
changing, 78
check marks on menu, 19
defined, 261
dingbats, 261, 265
Display as Small Caps, 28
menu, 27, 78, 230
WYSIWYG, 77, 230
panel, 27, 98
Tag on the Statusbar, 12
Font "Family" on the Character
palette, 15, 78–79, 89, 230
fractional, 264
Nisus Writer Express displays, 264
in AppleScript, 252
in Perl scripts, 250
in style sheets, 81
in the Styles palette, 83
in the User's Guide, i
kerning, 262
ligatures, 29, 208, 262, 264
limitations, 16
location of fonts, 77
monospaced, 265
of Nisus New File, 98
of numbered lists, 52
removing attributes, 91
secondary, 38, 77
substitution, 77
color, 232
Unicode, 263–264, 270
using styles, 85
inheriting, 86
modifying, 89
character, 86
paragraph, 86
writing in multiple languages, 36,
38, 41
Classic, 273
right to left, 41
footers, 115–116, 118, 120–122, 124
"First Page Special", 118
change location of, 120–121
creating correspondence stationery,
deleting, 121
different each section, 118
different first page, 118
Draft View & Full Screen view, 204
editing, 119
even numbered pages, 118
Header/Footer palette, 117
hiding, 121
images in, 119
in relation to the margin, 107
odd numbered pages, 118
page and section numbering with,
Page Guides, 227
page numbering, current and total,
palette, 33
location of, 15
pointer variation, 8–9
same for all pages, 115
shipped style for, 26, 82
Stats palette, 17
tables in, 164
word count in, 173
footnote, 133
change to endnote, 138
highlight color of, 231
in tables, 164
insert, 133
marker appearance, 136
multi-page limit, 137
Nisus Writer Classic files with
tables, 273
Notes Tag on Statusbar, 11
prevent lines from spreading when
using, 69
remove, 137
return to
document from, 133
note from its marker, 133
separator line, 137
statistics (word, character) in, 17
style of, 83, 85
tables in, 164
Gaelic, 185
Georgian, 185
Glossary, 237–239
Nisus Writer Classic, 273
graphics, 125–126, 128–130
align, 127
and line height, 125
Arrow Pointer in relation to, 9
character, 125
contextual menu, 125
crop, 125
Cross Hairs in relation to, 9
floating, 126
alignment, 127, 129
contextual menu, 130
text wrap, 127
Grabbing Hand in relation to, 9
Images palette
location of, 15
formats, 125
Drag and Drop, 45
Images… command, 24
the Clipboard, 46
in tables, 143
Margin Mover in relation to, 9
resize, 125
restore to original, 125
text wrap around, 127
using Nisus Writer Express as a
"notebook", 3
searching for text in, 185
gremlin, 196, 226, 262
GREP, 194, 262
searching for text in, 185
searching for text in, 185
full screen view, 231
in columns, 109–110
in margins, 107
in notes area, divider line in
relation to, 137
in notes area, height, 137