The title bar, Nisus writer express windows – Nisus Writer Express User Manual

Page 28

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The Nisus Writer Express Window

Getting Started


Use Format (with its many submenus) to change the way your text appears in
your document. A complete listing and description of the commands of this menu
begins on page 25.


Use Table to insert and modify tables. A complete listing and description of the
commands of this menu begins on page 32.


Use Macro to write and run Perl scripts and Command menu macros. A complete
listing and description of the commands of this menu begins on page 33.


Use Window to choose among active windows and manage the Palette Library and
the Document Manager. A complete listing and description of the commands of
this menu begins on page 33.


Use Help to get Nisus Writer Express Help which gives you extensive explanations
and hints regarding all of the features found in Nisus Writer Express. A complete
listing and description of the commands of this menu begins on page 34.

The Title Bar

The Title Bar, which appears across the top of every document window consists of three parts. The
left side contains three buttons. Click to close (red/left), minimize (to the Dock) (amber/center), and
zoom (green/right). Drag the Title Bar to move a window. On the right side of the Title Bar you can
click Hide/Show Tool Bar button.

Figure 9

The Nisus Writer Express Title Bar (Untitled, Saved, Saved and then modified)

When you save a file the Nisus Writer Express document icon appears to the left of the document’s
name in the Title Bar. As you work on the document, the icon dims, becoming bright once again on
Other things you can do with the document’s icon in the Title Bar

You can press

A and click the icon (or area of the of the file’s name) to see a pop-up menu

indicating the file’s location on your computer.

You can drag the document’s icon to any location on your hard drive, creating an alias that
leads back to the file.

You can drag the document’s icon into another Nisus Writer Express document causing its
content to appear there.

You can drag the document’s icon into a email message causing it to be sent as an

Nisus Writer Express Windows

As you work with multiple windows

The pointer is an arrow in all window regions not allowing text entry. Exceptions to this
include when the pointer hovers over one of the gray lines that determine the margins or the
size of the headers or footers.

Dialog sheets apply to the window. in which they appear.



and click the Maximize button to maximize all open Nisus Writer Express windows.



and click the Minimize button to minimize all open Nisus Writer Express windows.



and click the Close button to close all open Nisus Writer Express windows.



and click the Show/Hide Toolbar button to show/hide the Toolbar in all open Nisus

Writer Express windows.




to circulate through open Nisus Writer Express windows.