LINK Systems 5100-8 Tonnage & Analog Signal Monitor User Manual
Page 85

L-802-1110 Page
83 Rev.
In addition to the manual log out, the system contains an automatic logout function. The intent of
automatic log out is to reduce the possibility of users other than the intended user having access to
restricted items. If there were no provisions for automatic log out and a user forgot to manually log out,
all restricted items to which the user had been designated for access would be available from the log in
time until power was removed from the OmniLink control. This presents the possibility of users other
than the intended user having access to restricted items. Automatic log out is based upon both time and
press strokes. During system configuration automatic Access Timeout parameters are entered. An
automatic access timeout time and automatic access timeout strokes are entered. The time entered is the
amount of time after the last key stroke that will be allowed before the system will automatically log out
the user. For example, if the automatic access timeout is set to 60 seconds, the user will be logged out
60 seconds after the last key stroke. If the user presses a key before the 60 seconds have elapsed, a new
60 second cycle will be started. The number of strokes that are entered is the number of press strokes
after the last key stroke that will be allowed before the system automatically logs out the user. For
example, if the automatic timeout is set to 10 strokes, the user will be logged out when the press
completes 10 strokes after the last key stroke. If the user presses a key before 10 strokes have been
completed, a new 10 stroke cycle will be started.
11.5 Restricted Items
When operating in one of the code access modes, various items and functions of the system can be
programmed as allowed or restricted for different users. The following table lists the different items and
functions in the tonnage monitor that can be configured to be restricted. See the operator terminal
manual for details on how to set up restrictions.
Tonnage Monitor Restricted Items/Functions
TM Bypass
Bypass the limit alarms of the tonnage monitor.
TM Reset
Reset tonnage monitor faults.
TM Peak High Limits
Set peak high limits.
TM Peak Low Limits
Set peak low limits.
TM Reverse Limits
Set reverse limits.
TM Auto Setup
Run an auto setup operation. This operation will change all limits.
TM Data Windows
Set whether the data window is on or off, its start and end angles, and its low
and high limits.
11.6 Unrestricted Items
Certain operations can be configured to be completely unrestricted. That is, regardless of the Access
Control Mode, these items can be set to require no RUN/PROG key or code. For the most part, the
available items consist of reset operations for the various automation systems, motor speed, and limited
bypass operations. For instance, if you don’t want your operators changing settings for the tonnage
monitor, but you do trust them to reset the tonnage monitor after taking care of whatever tripped a limit
alarm, then you can unrestrict the tonnage monitor reset function while still restricting all other
functions. See the operator terminal manual for details on how to unrestrict items.