2 setting low limits, 3 setting reverse limits, 4 automatically setting limits – LINK Systems 5100-8 Tonnage & Analog Signal Monitor User Manual

Page 21: Setting low limits, Setting reverse limits, Automatically setting limits, Ence. see section on, 20 for more information

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L-802-1110 Page

19 Rev.


window 3 forward, and data window 4 forward. The default view on entering the screen is peak forward
tonnages and settings. Viewing the Peak and Data Window Tonnages and Settings

The CHANGE VIEW softkey allows the operator to select which set of tonnages and settings are shown
on the tonnage monitor screen. The view can be the maximum forward tonnage that occurred anywhere
during the last stroke (Peak) or the maximum tonnage that occurred during a particular data window
(Data Window 1 through Data Window 4). Each time the CHANGE VIEW softkey is hit the view will
change. The order is Peak, Data Window 1, Data Window 2, Data Window 3, Data Window 4, and then
back to Peak. Showing Forward and Reverse Tonnage

When viewing peak forward tonnage, press the REVERSE TONNAGE softkey to change the view to
peak reverse tonnage and settings. This key is only available in the peak forward view (as seen in
Figure 5) as data windows do not have reverse tonnage associated with them.

When viewing peak reverse tonnage, press the FORWARD TONNAGE softkey to change the view to
peak forward tonnage and settings. This key is only available in the peak reverse view as shown in
Figure 7.

3.2.2 Setting Limits

As can be seen in Figure 5, Figure 6, and Figure 7, there are several limits that must be set in the
tonnage monitor for it to perform its function. Each channel in the peak view has a low, high, and
reverse limit. Each channel in a data window has a low and high limit as well as a data window start
and end angle.


These limits are restricted items and access to them is controlled by the
RUN/PROG key, access code, or both as described in section 11 on page 78.
In addition, these items are only allowed to be changed when the editing
cursor is present. For most items, the editing cursor will NOT be available
when the press is running. Also, when the access mode is “Key Only” or
“Key AND Code”, the editing cursor will only appear when the RUN/PROG
key switch is in the PROG position. The following subsections assume that
access to the parameters has been obtained and that the editing cursor is
present. Setting High Limits

To set a high limit, first choose the view and channel to change. Place the data entry cursor on a high
limit setpoint (see “f” in Figure 5) using the up, down, left, and right arrow keys. Softkey 1 (The
uppermost vertical softkey) should read CHANGE HIGH LIMIT. Press this softkey to enter numeric
entry mode (or simply start entering numbers after the field is selected). Enter the new limit with the
numeric keypad and press the ENT key to set the limit. The high limit MUST be greater than the low
limit for that channel and view but less than “Max Forward Setpoint Level” (see section 4.4.4 on page
45 for details).