Kipp&Zonen 2AP Sun Tracker User Manual

Page 89

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Immediately decelerates all motors to a full stop as quickly as possible consistent with the current
AMax value. Throws away all path segments in the queues. Returns CL immediately. This
command is only permitted after protection has been removed with the PWord command.

Has the same effect as CLear followed by positioning of all motors to the reference sensors and
setting the adjustments to 0. Returns HO immediately and sets bit 0 of the instrument status. Bit 0
is reset after all motors are repositioned. This command is only permitted after protection has been
removed with the PWord command.

After all outstanding path segments have been processed, move the motor (as quickly as possible,
consistent with the current AMax and VMax values) to the position equivalent to the end position of
the path for that motor (the current position, if the motor is stopped) so that the motor is stopped at
the final position. Returns MO when the path is calculated. This command is only permitted after
protection has been removed with the PWord command.

Applies to all motors. Adds a path segment to each path so that once the motor reaches the end of
its specified path, it stops and remains motionless until (in seconds, not more than
10 hours) after all motors have become motionless. Returns PA. This command is only permitted
after protection has been removed with the PWord command.

After all outstanding path segments have been processed, move the motor to the specified absolute
position (as quickly as possible using the latest operating configuration) so that the motor is stopped
at the specified position. Returns PO when the path is calculated. This command is only permitted
after protection has been removed with the PWord command.

Retrieve the final position for all motors (that is, the position when all outstanding movement
commands have been processed). Returns PO .

Applies to all motors. Adds a path segment or segments to each path so that, once the motor
reaches the end of its specified path, it stops and remains motionless until the real time clock
reaches the indicated value. This has the effect of synchronizing the CPU clock used to drive
motion to the more accurate real time clock. Returns SY. This command is only permitted after
protection has been removed with the PWord command.

Add a single path segment to the queue for the given motor. The path segment is calculated based
on the ending position and velocity of the previous path segment. The path segment lasts for
time units (not more than 10 hours), and at the end of the segment the motor will be
at the specified position and moving with the specified velocity. This command is only permitted
after protection has been removed with the PWord command.

The initial position and velocity, ending position and velocity, and duration specify a unique cubic
function of motor position over time. The 2AP can be programmed to follow an arbitrary complex
function by approximating the function with a series of cubic interpolations.

Note that it is possible for the controller to specify velocities and accelerations outside the
configured operating parameters using the TRack command. The 2AP checks these bounds and
does not accept commands that will take it outside its operating parameters.