Kipp&Zonen 2AP Sun Tracker User Manual
Page 77
c) Spiral
The Spiral target results in the 2AP moving to the target’s specified start position, then traversing an
outward spiral with a specified radius, spacing and velocity until it reaches its end position. The
radius is the distance from the start position to the end position in degrees, the spacing is the
distance in degrees between consecutive spirals and the velocity is the speed at which the 2AP
traverses the spiral path in degrees per second.
If the Spiral target is defined with a relative start position, the target spiral will start at the point that
the 2AP completed its last target. Accordingly, the start position coordinate boxes will be disabled.
Figure 5.6 shows a Spiral target definition. The blue cross-hair is the start position; the green cross-
hair is the end position. The blue line is the spiral path the 2AP will follow. The red circle is the
current 2AP position; the red cross-hair is the final 2AP position.
Figure 5.6: Spiral Target
d) Home
The Home target results in the 2AP moving to the hard-wired Azimuth and Zenith optical reference
sensors. In some cases it could be of use to start large target lists with a Home target, especially
when the torque or the mounted pay load on the Zenith axis is close to the admissible maximum
specifications. In such cases adding a Home target in long target cycles avoids any possible
cumulative loss of steps of the 2AP stepper motors. The Home button in the main Positioner
window can also be used to send the 2AP to its Home Position now and then. In general it is
recommended to send the 2AP to the Home Position once every day if the 2AP is used full time.