Ph & mv mode – Hanna Instruments HI 901 User Manual
Page 98

pH & mV MODE Clear Relative mV Offset
Sets the mV offset to zero. With this option, the previous relative value or auto zero is cleared.
When in pH or mV mode, logging can be either manual or automatic.
Before starting an automatic or manual logging operation, please customize a unique report
for the saved pH and mV measurements, as follows:
From the pH or mV screen, press
to display the Data Parameters screen.
Highlight the Setup pH/mV Report option and press
to display the Setup
pH/mV Report screen.
Use the
keys to highlight the data field that you want to show/hide in
the pH/mV report and then press
to activate/deactivate it.
Each field marked by * is an active field selected for the report.
to save the customized report.