3 tutorial – YSI 600LS - User Manual User Manual

Page 198

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EcoWatch for Windows

Section 4

YSI Incorporated

Environmental Monitoring Systems Manual


6 - Page

The Data Display Window can be divided in two pages, a
graph page and a table page. A page becomes active when you
click on it.

7 - Terminal window

This is the window that is open to display the sonde’s internal
menu. Allows the user to interact with the sonde or
display/logger. The terminal window is a communication
interface with another piece of equipment, whereas the Data
Display Window is direct interaction with the EcoWatch

8 - Dialog box

A dialog box opens to display choices. Such as File Open.

9 – PC6000 data file

A data file that is in a format compatible with EcoWatch for
Windows or PC6000 software.

9 – Study

A single data file in PC6000 format.



This brief EcoWatch tutorial is to be used with the sample data file that is provided with EcoWatch.