Silver anode cleaning, Gold cathode cleaning, Ph and combination ph/orp sensor cleaning – YSI 5200A User Manual

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YSI 5200A


YSI 5200A


loose, wrinkled, damaged, or fouled membranes, or from large (more

than 1/8” diameter) air bubbles in the electrolyte solution. If erratic

readings or evidence of membrane damage occurs, replace the mem-

brane and the electrolyte solution.

- If the membrane is coated with oxygen consuming (e.g. bacteria) or

oxygen producing organisms (e.g. algae), erroneous readings may oc-


- Chlorine, sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide, and nitrous oxide can affect read-

ings by behaving like oxygen at the sensor. If you suspect erroneous

readings, it may be necessary to determine if these gases are the cause.

- It is possible for the silver anode, which is the entire silver body of the

sensor, to become contaminated. This will prevent successful calibra-

tion. To restore the anode, refer to Silver Anode Cleaning below.

- For correct sensor operation, the gold cathode must always be bright.

If it is tarnished (which can result from contact with certain gases) or

plated with silver (which can result from extended use with a loose or

wrinkled membrane), the gold surface must be restored. To restore the

cathode, refer to Gold Cathode Cleaning on the next page.

Silver Anode Cleaning

After extended use, a thick layer of AgCl builds up on the silver anode reducing the

sensitivity of the sensor. The anode must be cleaned about once or twice per year

(depending on use) to remove this layer and restore proper performance.

The cleaning can be chemical and/or mechanical:

Chemical Cleaning: Remove the membrane cap and soak the electrodes in a 14%

ammonium hydroxide solution for 2 to 3 minutes, followed by a thorough rinsing

with clean water. The anode should then be thoroughly wiped with a wet lint free

cloth to remove the residual layer from the anode.

Mechanical Cleaning: Sand off the dark layer from the silver anode with 400 grit

wet/dry sandpaper. Wrap the sandpaper around the anode and twist the sensor.

Rinse the anode with clean water after sanding, followed by wiping thoroughly with

a wet lint free cloth.

Note - After cleaning, install a new membrane cap with fresh electrolyte and then

perform a calibration. Refer to the instruction sheet included with the membrane

kit for instruction on how to replace a membrane.

Turn the instrument on and allow the system to stabilize for at least 30 minutes. If,

after several hours, you are still unable to calibrate, contact YSI Customer Service.


Gold Cathode Cleaning

For correct sensor operation, the gold cathode must be textured properly. It can

become tarnished or plated with silver after extended use. The gold cathode can

be cleaned by using 400 grit wet/dry sand paper. This should be done about once

or twice per year.

Using the sand paper provided in the YSI 5238 Probe Reconditioning Kit, wet sand

the gold with a twisting motion about 3 times or until all silver deposits are removed

and the gold appears to have a matte finish. Rinse the cathode with clean water after

sanding, followed by wiping thoroughly with a wet lint free cloth. If the cathode

remains tarnished, contact YSI Customer Service.

Note - After cleaning, install a new membrane cap with fresh electrolyte and then

perform a calibration. Refer to the instruction sheet included with the membrane

kit for instruction on how to replace a membrane.

pH and Combination pH/ORP Sensor Cleaning

Cleaning is required whenever deposits or contaminants appear on the glass and/

or platinum surfaces of these sensors or when the response of the sensor becomes


1. Remove the sensor from the cable assembly.

2. Initially, simply use clean water and a soft clean cloth, lens cleaning tis-

sue, or cotton swab to gently remove all foreign material from the glass

bulb (YSI 5564 and YSI 5565) and platinum button (YSI 5565). Then, use

a moistened cotton swab to carefully remove any material that may be

blocking the reference electrode junction of the sensor.

CAUTION: When using a cotton swab with the YSI 5564 or YSI 5565, be careful

NOT to wedge the swab tip between the guard and the glass sensor. If necessary,

remove cotton from the swab tip, so that the cotton can reach all parts of the sensor

tip without stress.

Note - If good pH and/or ORP response is not restored by the above procedure,

perform the following additional procedure:

1. Soak the sensor for 10-15 minutes in clean water containing a few drops

of commercial dish washing liquid.

2. GENTLY clean the glass bulb and platinum button by rubbing with a cot-

ton swab soaked in the cleaning solution.

3. Rinse the sensor in clean water, wipe with a cotton swab saturated with

clean water, and then re-rinse with clean water.
