Application program compile, Compiling on windows, Compiling on linux – Solvline Eddy DKV2.1.0.3 User Manual
Page 73: 4 application program compile, 5 compiling on windows, 6 compiling on linux
Chapter 4. Compiling of
Application Program
4.4 Application Program Compile
Compile the application program to execute on Eddy after registering the compile environment to the
4.5 Compiling on Windows
Enter ‚make‛ command through cmd(command prompt) on the directory where ‚Makefile‛ is
located. As shown below, if a compile is successfully completed, execution file named
‚Hello_World‛ would be created. Of course, as this file was cross-compiled, it can not run on
Windows environment. Upload this file to Eddy using a FTP to execute the file on Eddy, (Files
uploaded with FTPs will not permanently saved on Eddy.).
This will be further explained on the next chapter, Chpater 5 Creating Firmware.
4.6 Compiling on Linux
To compile a source file on Linux environment, enter ‚make‛ command on the directory where
‚Makefile‛ is located. As shown below, if a compile is successfully completed, execution file
named Hello_World would be created. Of course, as this file was cross-compiled, it can not run on
Linux environment. Upload this file to Eddy using a FTP to execute the file on Eddy, (Files uploaded
with FTPs will not permanently saved on Eddy.).
This will be further explained on the next chapter, Chpater 5 Creating Firmware.
make hello_world
/opt/lemonix/cdt/bin/arm-linux-gcc -O2 -g -Wall -Wno-nonnull -c -o Hello_World.o Hello_World.c
/opt/lemonix/cdt/bin/arm-linux-gcc -L/opt/lemonix/cdt/lib -L/opt/lemonix/cdt/bin Hello_World.o -o
C:\eddy_DK_2xx[\src/Eddy_APPs> ls
SB_APIs def.c eddy kt.c pinetd portview.o
tcp_client.c tcp_client tcp_multiplex.o . . .
[shlee@localhost Eddy_APPs]$
make hello_world
/opt/lemonix/cdt/bin/arm-linux-gcc -O2 -g -Wall -Wno-nonnull -c -o hello_world.o hello_world.c
/opt/lemonix/cdt/bin/arm-linux-gcc -L/opt/lemonix/cdt/lib -L/opt/lemonix/cdt/bin hello_world.o
[shlee@localhost Eddy_APPs]$ ls
SB_APIs/ def.c* eddy* kt.c pinetd* portview.o
server* tcp_client* tcp_multiplex.o tcps* upgrade* . . .