Installing on linux, Installation of toolchain, 9 installing on linux – Solvline Eddy DKV2.1.0.3 User Manual
Page 68: 10 installation of toolchain

Chapter 3. Development
Note that the command is case sensitive.
3.9 Installing on Linux
This chapter will describe how to install Eddy Development Environment on Linux host.
The explanation of this manual based on Fedora Core 5.
To establish Eddy ’ s integrated development environment, LemonIDE, please refer to
‚LemonIDE_User_Guide‛ for further instructions.
3.10 Installation of Toolchain
Toolchain compiles source codes composed on Linux environment and make it executable on the
target, Eddy. Toolchain install file, ‚lemonide_linux_10x.tar.gz‛, can be found under SDK/linux
folder in Eddy DK’s CD. Toolchain should be installed to /opt/lemonix.
Note that the command is case sensitive.
Carry out all install procedures under the super user privileges.
Example below assumes that CDROM is mounted on /mnt/cdrom
If CDROM is mounted on a different location, path displayed below will bear difference.
# cd /
# tar -zxvf /mnt/cdrom/SDK/linux/lemonide*.tar.gz -C /