Introduction, About this document, Who should read this document – Solvline Eddy DKV2.1.0.3 User Manual
Page 5: Chapter 1, Chapter 1. introduction, 1 about this document, 2 who should read this document

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 1. Introduction
This chapter explains about this manual and introduces the related documents and support.
1.1 About this document
This manual explains about how a programmer can develop a customized application for Eddy module and how this
application can be uploaded and executed on the module. To help programmers with this work, information on
Eddy's operating system and API functions for convenient source writing is supplied.
After reading this document, a programmer can write his or her own application and execute it on the module.
1.2 Who should read this document?
This document is designed for programmers who wish to develop a new application using Eddy DK. It is strongly
recommended that the programmer read this document before starting any programming work. If you are an
administrator or an end user who just needs to apply the module into practical applications, you do not need to read
this document. User's Guide will be helpful in that case. This manual deals with the complete process of writing
source codes and making a firmware that can be uploaded and executed on Eddy module.