Casio fx-9860G SD User Manual

Page 60

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u Axes (graph axis display)

• {On}/{Off}

... {display on}/{display off}

u Label (graph axis label display)

• {On}/{Off}

... {display on}/{display off}

u Display (display format)

• {Fix}/{Sci}/{Norm}/{Eng}

... {fixed number of decimal places specification}/{number of significant digits

specification}/{normal display setting}/{engineering mode}

u Stat Wind (statistical graph V-Window setting method)

• {Auto}/{Man}

... {automatic}/{manual}

u Resid List (residual calculation)

• {None}/{LIST}

... {no calculation}/{list specification for the calculated residual data}

u List File (list file display settings)

• {FILE} ... {settings of list file on the display}

u Sub Name (list naming)

• {On}/{Off}

... {display on}/{display off}

u Graph Func (function display during graph drawing and trace)

• {On}/{Off}

... {display on}/{display off}

u Dual Screen (dual screen mode status)

• {G+G}/{GtoT}/{Off}

... {graphing on both sides of dual screen}/{graph on one side and numeric table

on the other side of dual screen}/{dual screen off}

u Simul Graph (simultaneous graphing mode)

• {On}/{Off}

... {simultaneous graphing on (all graphs drawn simultaneously)}/{simultaneous

graphing off (graphs drawn in area numeric sequence)}


Using the Setup Screen