Kerror checks during data copy – Casio fx-9860G SD User Manual

Page 562

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Copying a *.g1m file to main memory restores the file to its original (non-g1m) type. Copying
a *.g1m file to an SD card copies it as a *.g1m file.


Error Checks During Data Copy

The following error checks are performed while a data copy operation is being executed.

Low battery check

The calculator performs low battery check before starting the data copy operation. If the
battery is at Level 1, a low battery error occurs and the copy operation is not performed.

Available memory check

The calculator checks to see if there is enough free memory available to store the copied
A “Memory Full” error occurs if there is not enough memory available.
A “Too Many Data” error occurs when the number of data items is too great.
A “Fragmentation ERROR” occurs when there is enough free memory available, but a
garbage collection operation is required.
If a “Fragmentation ERROR” occurs, perform the optimization procedure (page 12-7-17).

Overwrite check

The calculator checks to see if there is any existing data at the copy destination with the
same name as the data being copied.
An overwrite confirmation message appears if there is data with the same name.

• 1(Yes) ... overwrites the existing data with the new data
• 6(No) ... advances to the next data item without copying the data with the same name

• Pressing A will cancel the copy operation and return to the

MEMORY mode initial screen.


MeMory Mode