Casio fx-9860G SD User Manual

Page 448

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… {displays the STO submenu}

• {VAR} … {assigns the contents of a cell to a variable}

• {LIST} … {saves the contents of a range of cells as a list}

• {FILE} … {saves the contents of a range of cells as a file}

• {MAT} … {saves the contents of a range of cells as a matrix}


… {displays the RCL submenu}

• {LIST} … {imports data from a list into the spreadsheet}

• {FILE} … {imports data from a file into the spreadsheet}

• {MAT} … {imports data from a matrix into the spreadsheet}

uData Input Function Menu


… {enters the Grab mode for inputting sell references}

For details, see “To reference a particular cell” (page 9-4-6).


… {inputs the absolute reference command ($) into a cell}


… {inputs the cell range command (:) into a cell}


… {inputs the “CellIf(” S

SHT mode command}


… {displays a submenu for inputting the following S

SHT mode commands}

“CellMin(”, “CellMax(”, “CellMean(”, “CellMedian(”, “CellSum(”, “CellProd(”


… {displays a submenu for inputting the following relational operators}

“=”, “

≠”, “>”, “<”, “≥”, “≤”


Spreadsheet Overview

# For details about the S

SHT mode

commands you can access with 4(If) and
5(CEL), see “9-5 S

SHT Mode
