Casio fx-9860G SD User Manual

Page 476

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u To insert lines or columns of blank cells

1. Select one or more cells to specify how many lines or columns you want to insert.

• Selection rules are the same as those for line and column deletion. See step 1 under

“To delete an entire line or column of cells” (page 9-4-19) for more information.

2. Press 4(INS) to display the INS submenu.

3. Use the INS submenu to perform the operation you want.

When you want to do this:

Press this key:

Insert the same number of rows as the currently selected rows,
above the selected rows.


Insert the same number of columns as the currently selected
columns, above the selected columns.


• To exit the INS submenu without inserting anything, press J instead of a function


• A Range ERROR occurs if a line or column insert operation causes the current cells

to exceed the range of A1:Z999.





k Clearing Cell Contents

Perform the following procedure when you want to clear the contents of specific cells.

u To clear cell contents

1. Select the cell(s) whose contents you want to clear.

2. Press 5(CLR).

• This will clear the contents of the currently selected cells.


Inputting and Editing Cell Data