1 eactivity overview, Eactivity overview -1-1, Kk using the e – Casio fx-9860G SD User Manual

Page 497: Act mode, Kk file list function menu

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10-1 eActivity Overview

eActivity lets you input and edit text, mathematical expressions, and application data, and
save your input in a file called an “eActivity”.





k Using the e

ACT Mode

On the Main Menu, select the e

ACT icon.

• This displays a file list screen like the ones shown below.





k File List Function Menu

The following describes the functions of the file list function menu.

• {OPEN} ... {opens the eActivity file or folder that is currently selected on the file list}

• {NEW} ... {creates a new eActivity file}

• {DEL} ... {deletes the eActivity file that is currently selected on the file list}

• {SRC} ... {starts a file search operation}

• {SD}/{SMEM} ... {changes the memory area} (fx-9860G SD only)

When the file list currently shows Storage Memory contents, the menu
for this function key is “SD” (for switching to SD card contents). When
SD card contents are displayed, the function key menu is “SMEM” (for
switching to Storage Memory contents).


eActivity Overview

When there are no files stored
in the e

ACT mode

When there are files stored in
the e

ACT mode

# When there are no eActivity files, only the

2(NEW) and 6(SD/SMEM) function keys
are displayed.

# 128 Kbytes or more of free storage memory is

required to enter the e

ACT mode the first time.

A Memory ERROR will occur if there is not
enough free memory available.