Juniper Systems LandMark Mobile User Manual

Page 41

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LandMark Mobile User’s Manual  41

Display Option Distance Units

Speed Units


Feet (changes to miles

at 13,000 ft.)

Miles per hour


Meters (changes to kilo-

meters at 1500 m)

Kilometers per hour


The Heading option allows you to set the display compass

readings to the following:

Auto Mag (automatic magnetic declination)
Manual Mag (manual magnetic declination)
WMM 2K (World Magnetic Model 2005)

Declination is the angle formed between magnetic north and true

north from the GPS receiver’s location.


The True selection uses true north as the compass heading.

Auto Mag

The Auto Mag selection displays all compass headings as

magnetic north using the magnetic declination value from the

NMEA RMC packet sent by the GPS satellite. The declination is

applied to the Auto Mag reading and appears on the GPS screen

modified, adjusting for the altered declination degrees.
Note: If the receiver you are using is not able to use RMC or VTG

NMEA packets and the declination does not appear in the Diagnostic

screen, do not use Auto Mag with that receiver.

Manual Mag

The Manual Mag value uses a negative (-) number for East

declination and a positive (+) number for West declination. When

manually entering the declination, use the box to the right of the

Heading drop-down menu and specify either East (using a negative

value) or West (using a positive value).


Earth’s magnetic field, as measured by a magnetic sensor on or

above the Earth’s surface, is a composite of several magnetic fields

generated by a variety of sources.