FXpansion BFD Premium Acoustic Drum Module User Manual

Page 67

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Latching mode

When this mode is enabled, Grooves are turned off not by a MIDI note-off message, but
by another note-on message of the same MIDI note number. Therefore, you play a note
once to start a Groove, and then again in order to stop it.

Please be aware that this applies to all notes – those that you trigger from an external
MIDI controller, and those from your sequencer.

Polyphonic mode

When in Polyphonic mode, multiple Grooves may be played simultaneously. A newly
triggered Groove doesn’t stop any other Grooves currently playing. This is useful, for
example, to layer grooves that are partial beat components, and for overlaying ride and
crash patterns over kick/snare/hat drumloop Grooves.

Respond to song start

Checking this option results in the default Groove (specifi ed with the Default Groove
option) being played when the sequencer is started. Use the Auto Repeat buttons in
order to keep a Groove playing while your sequencer plays. This is very useful in using
BFD as an auto-accompaniment module, in conjunction with the Respond to song stop

Respond to song stop

This option stops all Grooves which may be playing when the sequencer is stopped.
Used in conjunction with Respond to song start for auto-accompaniment functions.

Default Groove

This parameter specifi es the default Groove note to play when the Respond to song start
option is enabled. Whichever Groove you have loaded into this note’s corresponding
Groove Bank slot will be triggered when you start playing your song.

Auto-fi ll period (bars)

This value sets the period, in bars, between every Fill played when in Auto Fill mode. For
example, setting it to 16 will result in a Fill being played every 16 bars (see section 8:7).

Sequenced Auto Shuffl e

With this option enabled, the Auto Shuffl e function causes BFD to shuffl e through
Grooves sequentially, rather than at random (see section 8:7).

Remap Groove notes

Enabling this option plays Grooves according to the current Hit Options settings. It is
useful if you have created your own Grooves with a different key mapping and want to
play them without remapping all the MIDI notes to the correct assignments.

Chapter 9: Customizing BFD