43 8:1 fundamental groove librarian concepts – FXpansion BFD Premium Acoustic Drum Module User Manual
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8:1 Fundamental Groove Librarian concepts
A MIDI drum sequence used in BFD’s Groove Librarian. BFD comes with a large variety
of Grooves, and can import any Gen eral MIDI (GM) MIDI fi le (type 0 and type 1). See
section 8:9 for more tips on importing your own Grooves into BFD.
The same type of fi le as a Groove, but distinctly categorized as a Fill: anything which
could be used as a transition between Grooves.
A group of up to twelve Grooves. Bundles are small fi les which point to Groove or Fill
MIDI fi les. BFD comes supplied with a comprehensive library of Grooves and Fills sorted
into Bundles.
Groove and Fill Browsers
There are two tree-view Browsers in BFD’s Groove Librarian, which are used to select
Groove and Fill Bundles, located within the BFD/Grooves and BFD/Fills folders, and the
individual Grooves within them. The top ‘tree-level’ is the Bundle itself. If you expand the
tree structure (click on the icon next to the Bundle name), you will see the individual
Grooves which comprise it. Use the scroll-bars in order to move down through the list of
available Bundles.
You can drag whole Bundles to any Groove Bank, or individual Grooves and Fills into
slots within the Groove Banks.
Groove Banks and slots
There are three Banks, each with twelve ‘slots’, in BFD’s Groove Librarian. These areas
are where you drag Bundles or individual Grooves from the Browsers. It can also be used
in order to compile and save Bundles. There are two Banks for Groove Bundles and one
for Fill Bundles.
Chapter 8: The Groove Librarian
Fills Browser
Grooves Browser
Bank A
Bank B
Fill Bank
Import / Clear / Save buttons
Current Groove display