FXpansion BFD Premium Acoustic Drum Module User Manual
Page 63

16 bit mode
In this mode, sample data is loaded into RAM and streamed from disk at 16 bit instead
of 24 bit. Because 24 bit data is stored in memory as 32 bit fl oats, using 16 bit mode
effectively halves the memory footprint required by BFD.
Host time starts at 1
This option is provided for sequencers such as Digital Performer, which start their time
numbering at 1 instead of 0, which would lead to Grooves playing at the wrong time.
Load all to RAM
With the Load all to RAM option enabled, BFD loads the entire Kit to RAM, and no data
is streamed from the disk. Please ensure you have enough RAM before using this option!
The size of each Kit-Piece is shown in the Kit-Piece Selector panels. To use this option
with the highest Kit-Piece detail levels, you would realistically require several gigabytes of
RAM. However, if you use this option in conjunction with 16 bit mode and a low Maximum
layers value, it can be a viable option with smaller amounts of RAM.
Drummer perspective
Enabling this option
allows you to hear BFD’s
output from the drummer’s
perspective, rather than
that of a listener on the
other side of the kit. All Pan
settings are fl ipped, as are the ambient mic buses (relative to the Flip stereo mic fi eld
setting in the Kit-Piece Inspector). The Drum Room graphics change to refl ect the state of
this setting.
Maximum cache buffers
The maximum number of disk streaming buffers cached in RAM. If the same velocity
layer is triggered repeatedly, it is possible to avoid reading from the disk by reusing the
disk streaming buffers with the same data. This parameter determines how much of your
RAM you want to set aside in the hope of acheiving such reuse.
If you have even a moderate amount of dynamics in the performance, or if you are using
the Humanize Velocity panel or Anti-machine gun mode, you may fi nd that not much
reuse occurs at all, and could possibly reduce this parameter a little.
You still need at least 1 cache buffer per voice!
To adjust the amount of cache buffers, double-click the box and enter a new value
between 16 and 96.
Only do this when BFD is idle!
Chapter 9: Customizing BFD