Installation – FXpansion BFD Premium Acoustic Drum Module User Manual

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2:1 System Requirements

BFD requires a substantial amount of computing power. Here is the minimum rec-
ommended specifi cation:

• 1 GHz Pentium III or Athlon (for Windows platform)

• Apple PowerMac G4 733 MHz (for MacOSX platform)

• 512 MB of RAM (preferably 768 MB or more)

• DVD drive (for installation)

• Windows 2000 or XP, or MacOSX 10.2.8

• 9 GB of free hard disk space

• 800x600 resolution with 16-bit colour graphics

On the Mac, it will not work on OS9 or earlier versions.

To get the best out of BFD, we recommend a similar or better system to the following:

• 1.5 GHz Pentium 4, Pentium M, or Athlon (for Windows platform)

• Apple PowerMac G5 (for MacOSX platform)

• 1 GB of RAM (the more the better)

• DVD drive (for installation)

• Windows 2000 or XP, or MacOSX 10.3.x or 10.4.x

• 9 GB of free hard disk space on a fast dedicated hard drive

• 1024x768 resolution with 16-bit colour graphics

Much of the enhanced functionality in BFD 1.5 really comes into its own when used with
the BFD expansion packs, such as BFD XFL and 8 Bit Kit. The hihat control and 18 Kit-
Piece slots, in particular, benefi t from the enhanced detail and variety of an expanded
BFD system.

BFD works by streaming all its samples from the hard disk, so in order to prevent glitches
during playback, please follow these guidelines.

• Try to install the BFD audio data on a clean, defragmented hard disk.

• If possible, install BFD on a dedicated drive, separate from those used for the

computer’s operating system and any audio data used with the sequencer.

• If you use a notebook or laptop, try and use an external FireWire or USB2.0

drive for the audio data. Laptop drives (often as slow as 4200 RPM) can be
quite slow for BFD’s disk-streaming technology.