FXpansion BFD Premium Acoustic Drum Module User Manual

Page 28

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You can still independently mix the substituted tom: in other words, you can alter the
tuning, panning and levels without affecting the original. To preserve a realistic three-tom
set, it is advisable to suitably retune the substituted tom.

Hit indicator LEDs

The indicator LEDs under the Mute buttons light up when any Hits in each Kit-Piece are
triggered via MIDI, or via the Groove Librarian. This functionality can be turned off in the
BFD Options panel.

Solo and Mute buttons

These LED buttons allow you to Solo or Mute any Kit-Piece(s). When one
or more Kit-Pieces are Soloed, the Mute LEDs light up for all non-Soloed
Kit-Pieces, giving an easily-visible indication of the Mute/Solo status. If a
Muted part is Soloed the Muted status will return when the Solo button is
deacti vated.

Please be aware of the Solo and Mute shortcuts, detailed in section 5:2.

Trim (Kit-Piece Trim)

This control allows you to trim the level of each Kit-Piece within the
Overhead, Room and PZM mic buses, between +6 and -inf dB. Effectively,
it functions as a ‘reverb send’ for the natural ambience in BFD’s three
stereo ambient mic buses.


Using this control, the pitch of each Kit-Piece can be tuned up or down an octave (1200
cents). This control acts globally for all mic buses, including the Direct bus.

Dyn (Dynamics)

This control scales the velocity of incoming MIDI triggers for each Kit-
Piece. The con trol’s value (-127 to 127) is added onto the velocity of each
incoming MIDI note for that particular Kit-Piece.

Using this control, you can make a Kit-Piece play ‘more softly’ or ‘harder’. BFD’s sounds
are recorded with many velocity layers: using the Dynamics controls can achieve a
variety of realistic levels of striking force: from soft and jazzy to hard and loud.

Chapter 5: Mixing in BFD