3 hit types and kit-piece slots – FXpansion BFD Premium Acoustic Drum Module User Manual

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Loading Options

BFD allows you to switch each Kit-Piece
Selector panel to view and load any type
of Kit-Piece, with the use of the Type
drop-down menu. This allows complete
fl exibility when building your Kit. You can,
for example, load a fl oor tom into a kick
slot, by bringing up the Kick Selector
panel and using the Type menu to
acces toms.

The Tom set and Tom set 2 Selector
panels feature an extra drop-down menu
in order to load a different Kit-Piece into
each tom slot (fl oor, mid and high). When
you use the Type drop-down menu to
specify anything except a tom set, an
extra drop-down menu appears, labelled
Slot. This allows you to specify the tom
slot to which the selected Kit-Piece
will be loaded.

4:3 Hit types and Kit-Piece slots

When loading Kit-Pieces, it is important to understand BFD’s approach to articulations,
or ‘Hit types’ (sometimes referred to within BFD as ‘Hits’). A snare drum, for example, has
several Hit types: the regular hit, sidestick, rim hit (rim and skin hit simultaneously), fl am
and drag. Hihats, meanwhile, can have even more: pedal, closed, 1/2-open and fully-open
for tip and shank. Additionally, 1/4-open and 3/4-open positions also exist in the BFD XFL
and 8 Bit Kit expansion packs.

As a registration bonus for all BFD users, a free Zildjian hihat is available for download
containing an additional 1/4-open tip position. There are also ride bell Hit samples for two
of the BFD rides for free download after registration.

It is useful to note that the word ‘hit’ is also used to describe the primary Hit type of kicks,
snares, toms and cymbals.

Because each type of Kit-Piece has a different range of Hit types, the Kit-Piece slots
are specialized. BFD’s two Mixer Pages allow you a substantial amount of freedom to
create a pretty extravagant Kit: you can load two kicks and snares, both with the full array
of Hits, and create six-tom and six-cymbal Kits (with a cowbell for good measure!) with

Chapter 4: Loading Kits and Kit-Pieces

• In the above screenshot, notice the individual listings of

toms, rather than the default representation of tom sets.