Kit-piece slots in bfd – FXpansion BFD Premium Acoustic Drum Module User Manual
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You can, using the Type drop-down menu in the Kit-Piece Selector panels, load any Kit-
Piece into any slot. However, please be aware that you are limited to the capabilities of
each slot. You won’t be able to achieve the full functionality of a Kit-Piece by loading it into
a slot for which it was not designed.
In practice this is only potentially a problem if you want a second hihat or third snare.
These types of Kit-Pieces simply use too much RAM and too many MIDI notes for it to be
viable to have more than the existing number of dedicated slots.
If you load a hihat into a slot capable of using only two Hit types, only the closed tip and
1/2-open tip Hits will be used. Similarly, for a snare, only the hit and sidestick Hit types
will be made available.
When using BFD, please refer to the Hit Options panel (the Page 1 and Page 2 tabs) in
order to remind yourself quickly of the capacity of each Kit-Piece slot within BFD.
Not all Kit-Pieces feature the full range of possible Hit types. This is because with some
drums, certain Hit types just did not sound interesting or unique enough to justify the
RAM and diskspace required.
Kit-Piece slots in BFD
Here is a list of the Kit-Piece slots within BFD, together with a summary of the Hit types
they can contain as well as the default MIDI notes assigned to each Hit.
The note names given below, and all other references to notes in this manual, are given
in the most commonly used -2 octave numbering system, which can be set in the Options
panel (see Section 9:1 for more details).
The Kick 2, Snare 2, Percussion, Tom set 2, and Cymbals 4-6 slots are located on Mixer
Page 2.
Kick 1
hit C1
no snare
Snare 1
hit D1
fl am F1
rim E1
Chapter 4: Loading Kits and Kit-Pieces