Load & save kit buttons, Reset kit button, Saving & loading programs – FXpansion BFD Premium Acoustic Drum Module User Manual
Page 18: Kit name and program name

Clicking on the Kit Selector button brings up the Kit Selector panel. Here, you can load
one of the supplied full drumkits. Moving the mouse over each Kit brings up information
about the Kit on the right of the panel. You can navigate around the Kits with the arrow
keys and the [PageUp] and [PageDn] keys. and use the scrollbar or mousewheel to scroll
through longer kit listings. See section 4:2 for more details on the View and Sort options.
Click on any Kit in order to load it and exit the Panel (the panel will continue to be
displayed if the Sticky button is engaged). This will load all Kit-Pieces of the chosen
drumkit to the slots in which they were when the Kit was saved, removing anything
already loaded into any slots.
Load & Save Kit buttons
You can also load Kits, and save the current Kit, by using the Load
and Save Kit buttons to the top-left of the BFD Mixer area. Kits are
saved to the BFD/Kits/User folder.
Reset Kit button
Clicking this button results in all Kit-Piece slots being cleared.
Saving & Loading Programs
A Program fi le is a complete BFD setup: the current Kit, and Mixer, Kit-Piece Inspector,
Hit Options, Play Options and Groove Librarian settings. A Program is the only type of
preset fi le within BFD which stores the state of the Hit trim and Unload settings in the Hit
Options panel. It is the same information which is saved with a song when using BFD as
a plugin inside a host.
The buttons at the top-right of the BFD interface allow
you to Load and Save Programs. Programs are saved to
the BFD/Programs folder.
To summarize:
• A Kit is a collection of Kit-Pieces: no other information is stored
with it. Therefore, a Kit will not contain any key assignments,
Mixer settings, damping settings etc.
• A Program stores all settings within BFD : the Kit, the Mixer and Kit-Piece inspector
settings, note, MIDI CC and output assignments, Play Options, Hit trim and Unload
settings and the state of the Groove Librarian.
Kit name and Program name
These text fi elds are located at the top of the Drum Room display. Double-click on either
name in order to edit it.
Chapter 4: Loading Kits and Kit-Pieces
Kit name
Program name