Controlling bfd the hit options panel – FXpansion BFD Premium Acoustic Drum Module User Manual

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The Hit Options Panel

The Hit Options panel’s primary function is to allow adjustment of the key

assignments for the different Hit types within each Kit-Piece of the currently
loaded Kit.

It also has several other useful functions in order to tweak your Kit, and for allowing
remote control of BFD’s controls.

Exit the panel by clicking its button again, or by clicking the button in the top-right
corner. Alternatively, bring up a new panel instead by clicking another panel button.

7:1 Overview

There are four tabs in the Hit Options panel: Page 1, Page 2, Advanced and MIDI CCs.
It is very important to understand the differences between them.

Page 1 & Page 2: Assign Kit-Piece Hit types to notes

These tabs allow you to assign Kit-Piece Hit types to notes. These tabs correspond to
Mixer Pages 1 and 2 and hence refl ect the functionality of each Page’s slots: for example,
Page 1 contains several hihat-specifi c options (in fact, it is essential to use these in order
to properly set up an electronic drum hihat mechanism).

These two panels also have several other useful functions, such as being able to preview,
unload from memory and trim the volume of each Hit type in each Kit-Piece.

Page 1, Page 2 and Advanced settings, with the exception of Hit trim and Unload
settings, are saved together in the same preset fi le (.bft).

Advanced: Assign notes to Kit-Piece Hit types

As opposed to the Page 1 & Page 2 tabs, the Advanced tab allows you to assign notes to
Kit-Piece Hit types. This is useful if you’re a ‘keyboard drummer’: this is the panel to use if
you want to assign multiple notes to the same Kit-Piece Hit type. This panel is also useful
if you have more esoteric MIDI controller equipment with specifi c needs, such as certain
electronic drum systems.

There are also a number of advanced options for tweaking the response of the BFD
sounds, which can be useful for creative purposes.

Page 1, Page 2 and Advanced settings, with the exception of Hit trim and Unload
settings, are saved together in the same preset fi le (.bft).

MIDI CCs: Set up remote control for BFD controls

This tab in the Hit Options panel allows you to confi gure how MIDI continuous controller
messages are handled within BFD. MIDI CCs may be assigned to most of BFD’s controls.