FXpansion BFD Premium Acoustic Drum Module User Manual

Page 66

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Exit the panel by clicking its button again, or by clicking the button in the top-right
corner. Alternatively, bring up a new panel instead by clicking another panel button.

Respond to Groove notes

This setting enables the Groove MIDI notes (and, in effect, this turns on or off the Groove
Librarian). If you need to use a drum mapping that includes MIDI notes in the range that
trig gers Grooves, or if you simply don’t need the Groove Librarian, you can disable this

Sync to song

This setting sets the host sequencer’s song clock as the synchronization source for
BFD’s Grooves, so that they play in phase with the song clock. Effectively, it means that
if a Groove is triggered, it starts playing from the point in the bar at which it is triggered.
For example, if you trigger a Groove on the 2nd beat of a bar in your song, it will play the
Groove from its 2nd beat - so that if there is a kick on the 1st beat, and a snare on the
2nd, it will start playing with the snare.

Sync Groove phase

This setting makes subsequent Grooves play in phase with the fi rst Groove played. So, if
you trigger a new Groove whilst the original is playing its third beat, the new Groove will
start playing from its third beat as well. Note that Polyphonic mode (see below) must be
enabled for this to have any effect.

Transition mode

This drop-down menu sets how transitions between Grooves
are handled.

When in this mode, a newly triggered Groove will start playing immediately. Any
Groove synchronization options will still be in effect, however, which may lead to an
apparent delay in the Groove’s playback if, for instance, the Groove has no notes at
the synchronized play start point.

Next Beat
Using this mode, when a new Groove is triggered, the transition takes place on the
next beat of the Sync Mode source. For example, if the new Groove is triggered
between the 2nd and 3rd beats of a bar, it will actually start playing on the 3rd beat,
which is the next beat after the trigger is made.

Next Bar
This mode works in a similar way to Next Beat except that, when the next Groove is
triggered, it starts playing from the start of the next bar.

Chapter 9: Customizing BFD