FXpansion BFD Premium Acoustic Drum Module User Manual
Page 44

Vel Lo
Vel Hi
These parameters allow you to proportionally scale
incoming velocities over a certain range. For example,
if Vel Lo is set to 64 and Vel Hi is set to 127, an incoming velocity of 0 will produce an
output velocity of 64, while an incoming velocity of 16 will produce an output velolcity of
72, and so on.
This parameter controls the velocity curve of
triggered note events. Clicking and dragging
the parameter causes a small graph curve to appear and change shape. The graph
represents incoming velocity (x-axis) against output velocity (y-axis).
This column allows you to specify a
second note with which to link the Hit
type. This results in a layering of the two
Hits whenever either is triggered.
Please note that if you simply want to
link two Kit-Pieces together, it is quicker
to use the Link to Kit-Piece function in
the Kit-Piece Inspector (see section 6:2). The
Key2 parameter works on the Hit type level.
VRnd [Velocity Randomize amount]
The VRnd parameter controls to what extent the Hit type is affected by the Humanize
Velocity panel and the Anti-machinegun mode in the Play Options panel. Settings range
from 0% (not affected at all) to 100% (the default setting – maximum effect).
V2A [Velocity to Amp]
This is the degree to which incoming velocity affects the amplitude of the triggered sound.
The scaling of the velocity operates in addition to playing different velocity layers.
Ordinarily, there is no amplitude scaling with different velocities within BFD: the detailed
velocity layers take care of the ‘loudness’. However, you may want to add some amplitude
scaling for creative reasons, or if you are using a small number of velocity layers after
adjusting the Maximum layers setting in the Options panel (see section 9:1).
Settings range from -100% to 100%. This parameter can have positive and negative
values for increases and decreases in amplitude with higher velocities.
Chapter 7: Controlling BFD
• In the above example, the Snare 1 sidestick Hit type
is being linked to the note for the Snare 2 sidestick.
No other Snare 1 and Snare 2 Hit types are linked.