FXpansion BFD Premium Acoustic Drum Module User Manual

Page 50

background image


Each slot in each Bank corresponds to a MIDI note, an indicator
for which is dis played on the slot, to the right of the name of
any Groove which is loaded into it. When a MIDI key within the
Groove Librarian’s key range is played, the MIDI note value and
the Groove name are high lighted in red. If you are in Auto Shuffl e
mode, the MIDI key highlight will remain on the originally triggered
note, while the actual Groove which is playing will be highlighted
instead. The current Groove is also shown in the Current Groove




Bank A

C3 to B3

Bank B

C4 to B4

Fill Bank

C5 to B5

There are a number of shortcuts to facilitate Bank management:

[SHIFT]-click Groove slot
Auditions the Groove in the slot.

[ALT]-click Groove slot
Deletes the Groove from the slot.

Click and drag Groove from one slot to another
Swaps around the Grooves in the slots.

[CTRL]-click and drag Groove from one slot to another
Copies the Groove to another slot.

[CTRL]-click and drag Groove to host sequencer arrange
Copies the Groove to a track on your host sequencer’s
arrange page, if it supports drag & drop import of MIDI fi les.

double-click Groove slot
Introduces a File Open dialog in which you can select 1-12
MIDI fi les to load into the slot(s) in the Bank. Please see
section 8:9 for more details.

As well as double-clicking a Groove slot to load 1-12 MIDI fi les, you can drag and drop
MIDI sequences from your sequencer’s arrange page, if your host supports this feature.
Alternatively, the Import MIDI button beneath each Bank allows you to import a longer
MIDI fi le into the Bank, cutting it into smaller length chunks and placing each chunk into
a slot.

Please see section 8:9 for more details on importing MIDI into the Groove Librarian.

After a Bundle has been compiled in one of the Banks, it can be saved for future use
by clicking the Save Bank button under each Bank. It is best to save it in the BFD/
folder, or in BFD/Fills if it is a Fill Bundle, so that it appears in the Browsers.
You can clear the contents of any Bank by clicking the Clear Bank button beneath
each one.

Chapter 8: The Groove Librarian





Save Bank

as Bundle

Kit-Piece Note Filters

(see section 8:6)

• In the above screenshot of Bank

A, slots 1-8 contain Grooves.
Auto Repeat and Auto Shuffl e
are enabled.

• The Groove in slot 1 was orig-

nally triggered, while the Groove
in slot 3 is currently playing.