bamix Rezepte User Manual

Page 36

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Diet «whipped cream»




ltr. skimmed milk (if possible with less than 1.5 % fat content)

Put the half-frozen milk in the jug. Hold the mixer with the BEATER

on the bottom of the jug for a few seconds without moving it and

let it run. Then slowly draw the contents up towards the rim of the

jug. Repeat this process (drawing up and down) until the milk is

stiffly whipped. Add sugar or sweetener. Serve at once, because

otherwise the milk loses its stiffness. Use only skimmed milk, and

add if you like a pinch of salt or lemon juice, which helps in achie-

ving stiffness.

Whipped egg-white

Put the egg-white in a tall, narrow jug (small amounts – small

jugs, large amounts – large jugs) and immerse the BEATER in it.

Switch on and add hot water (1 tbsp. is enough even for larger

amounts), while drawing the mixer at an angle very slowly

upwards. Repeat this procedure very carefully – to get air into the

contents – until the egg-white is stiff. Rinse jugs with clear water

before use, so that there are no traces of detergent in them, which

would prevent the egg-white becoming stiff.

Herb butter according to season

About 2 handfuls of herbs

Lemon juice

3 tbsps. butter

Wash the herbs thoroughly. If parsley is used, remove the long

stems. Then put the herbs in a tall jug, pour lemon juice over

them and chop everything with the MINCER. Add the butter cut in

small pieces (not too hard), process everything with the MINCER

and add salt to taste.