Rice Lake TransAct 3.5 User Manual

Page 198

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Customizing a Ticket

Version 3.5




Rate1 + Rate2


Rate1 + Rate3


Rate2 + Rate3


Total stored in database as a charge per scale unit but adjusted on
the ticket to Unit setting

Rate Per Load

The per load rate

Conv Rate

Print the total rate

Field Name

Field Description

Conv Rate1

Converted Rate 1

Conv Rate2

Converted Rate 2

Conv Rate3

Converted Rate 3

Conv Rate12

Conv Rate1 + Conv Rate2

Conv Rate23

Conv Rate2 + Conv Rate3

Conv Rate13

Conv Rate1 + Conv Rate3

Conv Rate Unit

Prints the converted rate unit (e.g. Gallons, Barrels, etc.)

Sales Tax1

Tax rate for tax 1

Grand Total Sales Tax1

Grand Total for tax 1

Sales Tax2

Tax rate for tax 2

Grand Total Sales Tax2

Grand Total for tax 2

Sales Tax3

Tax rate for tax 3

Grand Total Sales Tax3

Grand Total for tax 3

Sales Tax12

Tax 1 rate + Tax 2 rate

Sales Tax13

Tax 1 rate + Tax 3 rate

Sales Tax23

Tax 2 rate + Tax 3 rate

Sales Tax

Total of all tax rates

Grand Total Sales Tax

Total Tax of Item1 + Total Tax of Item2 + Total Tax of Item3, etc.

Base Charge1

Net Weight X Rate1

Grand Total Base Charge1

Item1 + Item2 + Item3, etc.

Base Charge2

Net Weight X Rate2

Grand Total Base Charge2

Item1 + Item2 + Item3, etc.

Base Charge3

Net Weight X Rate3