Dell UPS 1000T User Manual
Page 37

This option shuts down your applications and the system, and de-energizes the computer. This
configuration is advised if you wish to be on hand when the system restarts, or for load shedding.
This option manages the shutdown in a custom script that you can use to create your own shutdown
sequence. You can integrate the standard Windows shutdown command
Find more information with shutdown /? in a Windows Command Line shell. Shutdown script: the absolute path of
the script.
Outlet Shutoff Active
Using this option, Dell UPS Local Node Manager will send a delayed shutoff command to the outlet.
This delayed command is sent to the UPS at the beginning of the shutdown sequence, and this is the
point of no return for the shutdown sequence. The UPS outlet is turned off at the end of the shutdown
Shutdown Sequence Trigger
When a power utility failure occurs, the shutdown sequence is started as soon as the first of the two
following condition is reached:
• After the Shutdown timer (if configured) is reached.
• When Dell Network Management Card or UPS shutdown criteria is reached. This decision is
according to many criteria, as shown in Figure 19.
0120_3-Dell ULNM Page 37 Saturday, November 2, 2013 5:34 PM