Available logs and reports – Baseline Systems BaseStation 6000 User Manual
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BaseStation 6000 Site Controller Manual
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To save a log or report file to a flash drive (also called a USB drive or a thumb drive), plug the flash drive device into a
USB port on the computer. Windows will detect the drive. Open a folder to view files on the drive. Windows Explorer
opens and shows the contents of the flash drive. Open another Windows Explorer window by clicking on the Windows
Start button, and then clicking Open Windows Explorer. Navigate to the path C:\xTrol\Irrigation\Programs\ and then
open the folder where the file that you want to save to the flash drive is located. Find the file in the list, position the
cursor on it, and then click the right mouse button. In the list of options, click Copy. Go to the Windows Explorer
window for your flash drive. Position the cursor in the right pane, and then click the right mouse button. In the list of
options, click Paste. The file is copied to your flash drive. You can now remove the flash drive from the BaseStation
6000 computer and transport the file to another computer in order to share it, print it, or email it.
To email a log or report file, if you have access to email on the BaseStation 6000 computer, go to your email and start a
new email message. Click the option within the message to attach a file. In the file dialog box, navigate to the folder
where the file is stored, click on the filename, and then click Open. The log or report file is attached to the email and
will be sent to the email recipient. If you do not have email on the BaseStation 6000 computer, follow the instructions
above to save a log or report file to a flash drive, and then take the flash drive to a computer where email is available.
Note: The BaseStation 6000 system can be configured to email some logs and reports to specific users on a daily basis.
Refer to System Notification on page 82 for information about setting up this feature.
Available Logs and Reports
The logs are described based on the folder where they are stored on the computer’s hard drive.
Note: When you look at the list on the hard drive of the BaseStation 6000 computer in the path C:\xTrol\Irrigation\Programs\
you will notice folders and files that are not described in the table below. The folders and files that are not documented are
used by Baseline Support or are machine readable only. Baseline recommends that you open only the files that are described
below and avoid touching those that are not described.
Folder Name
Logs and
Reports Menu
Once per day, your system configuration is written to file that is saved in this folder. The file
shows your zones, their modes, the decoder serial numbers and a summary of the program
settings. If you change your settings and find that your system is no longer working
properly, you can compare the Configuration file from the last day when the system worked
properly with the current Configuration file to find out what changes might have caused
Error Logs
Periodically throughout the month, the system writes an error log file to this folder. At the
end of the month, the final log showing all errors that occurred during the month is saved.
Review this log file to see all errors that occurred in your system during a month. Primarily
used by Baseline Support.
Daily Flow Log
Whenever there is flow in the irrigation system, a Flow Data log is saved in this folder.
Whenever a flow fault occurs, a Flow Fault log is saved in this folder.
These reports are typically used by Baseline Support to help troubleshoot your system – the
data is not easily interpreted by end users.
This file records the flow usage for each flow meter at the end of each day. The system
creates a new file at the beginning of each year.
Daily Activity
Updated continuously throughout the day, the commands that you issued (including pause
events) in the BaseStation 6000 software are saved to a file.