Associating valves with the flow nodes – Baseline Systems BaseStation 6000 User Manual
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Associating Valves with the Flow Nodes
When you create your flow node structure, all the valves are associated with Flow Node 1 by default. Follow the steps in this
procedure to change how the valves are associated.
1. Create and configure all of your flow nodes.
2. On the Flow Node Management tab, click Flow Node 1 in the left pane. All of the valves display in the pane on the right.
3. Click the valve that you want to move to a different flow node.
4. Click Edit Node. The fields in the Flow Node Control group box at the bottom of the window become available for editing.
5. Change the number in the Flow Node field to the new flow node that you want this valve to be associated with.
Note: You can also change the gallons per minute for the valve on the Flow Node Management tab by typing a number in
the GPM field.
6. Click Save.
7. Continue until you have associated all valves with their appropriate flow nodes.
Note: After making changes, you can click Refresh Valves to display the current valve list in the right pane.