Configuring the site map – Baseline Systems BaseStation 6000 User Manual
Page 87

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a. Click the Start button on the Microsoft Windows taskbar.
b. Point to All Programs, and then point to Accessories.
c. Click Windows Explorer.
3. Copy the image file into the following directory:
4. If the default SiteMap1.jpg file is in the directory, you can either delete that file or give it a different file name.
5. Rename the your map file to SiteMap#.jpg where the # is a number between 1 and 20 that indicates which Remote Base
Unit the map is for.
Example: The map file for Remote Base Unit 1 would be SiteMap1.jpg and the map file for Remote Base Unit 2 would be
Note: The file must be named exactly as specified including capitalization. To rename a file, right-click on the name of the
file, and then click Rename from the available options.
Loading the Site Map into the BaseStation 6000 Software
1. After you have loaded the map image into the proper directory on your computer, and you have named the image file
appropriately, close the BaseStation 6000 software.
2. Restart the BaseStation 6000 software (refer to Manually Starting the BaseStation 6000 Software on page 10). Your new
map file is automatically loaded into the software.
3. To verify that your map file is available, click the Information tab on the Main Page of the BaseStation 6000 software to
activate the Main Menu.
4. On the Main Menu, click Maps, and then click Site Map. The Site Map window opens.
Configuring the Site Map
1. On the Main Page of the BaseStation 6000 software, click the Information tab to activate the Main Menu.
2. On the Main Menu, click Maps, and then click Site Map. The Site Map window opens. Small colored squares that represent
your zones are arranged in a grid at the top of the map.
3. At the bottom of the pane on the right side of
the map, click the Uncheck to move zones
check box to remove the check mark. Now,
you can move the zone markers (small
colored squares) around on the map.
4. Position the mouse pointer on the zone
marker that you want to move. The zone
description displays in the pane on the right
side of the map.
5. Hold down the left mouse button and drag
the zone marker to where that zone is
located on the map.
6. When you have placed all your zone markers
on the site map, click Uncheck to Move
Zones to lock markers in place and to prevent
the markers from being accidentally moved.
7. Click Main View.