Baseline Systems BaseStation 6000 User Manual
Page 13

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Planning the Two-Wire Layout for the Remote Base Unit
Baseline’s two-wire communication protocol is called biLine™. The biLine protocol runs over the two-wire and provides a clear
path for power and communication to travel throughout the site. The configuration and length of the wire runs determines
what size of wire needs to be used. Please refer to the tables and other detailed information in the Two-Wire Tech Spec on
Baseline’s web site (
The system supports straight-line, star, looped, and combination configuration. For examples of these wiring configurations, see
Figure 1 - Straight Run, Figure 2 - Star, Figure 3 - Combination, and Figure 4 - Complete Loop topology.
For the purpose of this manual, all possible configurations are depicted. However, the Straight Run and the Star topology are
the recommended layouts. To simplify the illustrations, only the last device is shown for most configurations. You can assume
that other devices, both sensors and biCoders, are connected along the length of the two-wire path. On a star configuration, the
topology has multiple last devices. Each device must separately meet the distance requirement.
While the Complete Loop topology might provide a more robust configuration, it is harder to trace the wiring errors that might
occur. For this reason, Baseline recommends the other topologies over the Complete Loop.
If you decide to use Complete Loop topology, calculate your wire length using the following formula:
The distance to the last device is the total length of the loop divided by two plus the length of the spur.
Length = (Loop Length /2) + Longest Spur Length
After you select the topology, calculate the wire run lengths in feet or meters. Then use this information to select the
appropriate wire size per wire length based on the Two-Wire Tech Spec on Baseline’s web site ( In
addition, calculate all runs of wires in order to determine the amount of wire that you need to purchase.
WARNING! The distance to the last device must meet the wire length specifications. Refer to the Warranty Information on page
123 for more information.