Wallgamma, K==oéãçíé=`зенкзд=mêçíçåçä, T^iid^jj – Barco DX-700 User Manual
Page 192

DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02
DX-700 Remote Command List
Query format
: WALLCONTR? | Bank | Out
Query returns
: Contrast | Min | Max
Contrast: Contrast
Min: Minimum Contrast
Max: Maximum Contrast
Example: WALLCONTR? | 2 | 1
203 | 0 | 5000
: Set / Query wall gamma. Gamma custom is NOT always available/
selectable. Gamma custom type is available only in any of these scenarios:
User modified gamma curve manually from Director Toolset (which is
connected to the LED Wall via DX-700). The modified gamma curve
does NOT match any of the existing gamma type.
The wall already has a custom gamma loaded, so that when DX-700
queried it, DX-700 got a valid custom gamma. When the user selects
Gamma Custom, the last known custom gamma is loaded to the wall.
Set format
: WALLGAMMA | Bank | Out | Color | Type
Bank: Bank ID 1 – 3
Out: Output ID 1 – 6
Color: Gamma color [ 0 – 3 ]:
0 = Red
1 = Green
2 = Blue
3 = All (white)
Type: Gamma type [ 0 – 9 | 0 – 10 ]:
0 = Gamma F
1 = Gamma G1
2 = Gamma G2
3 = Gamma G3
4 = Gamma G4
5 = Gamma D1
6 = Gamma D2
7 = Gamma D3
8 = Gamma BS
9 = Gamma WS